Ayu aus Bali über das Zuhausebleiben

9. Was bedeutet das „Zuhause bleiben“ konkret für dich?  

Die Corona-Krise in unterschiedlichen Perspektiven: Ayu erzählt uns, was sie am Homeoffice stört und welche Chancen sie für sich und ihre Familie sieht, mehr Zeit zu Hause zu verbringen. Mehr zu Ayu findest Du hier.

Wir danken Balipockets e.V. und Ayu für die gute Zusammenarbeit.

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Einen Kommentar schreiben

Kommentar von I Gusti Ayu Dewi Yanti |

Thank you so much for the comments on my video. For me, it is positive appreciation from you.

For Jonanna Treidl :
Of course I would love to share Balinesse recipe/ Indonesia recipe and it is easy to make it and I think you have it in your country. Here I will explain how to make " Sweet Tempeh or Sweet Tempeh in Sweet Soy Souce"( we actually spelled it as " Tempe" in Indonesia). So Tempeh/Tempe is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans.

Ingredients :
- 300 gram tempeh, cut into matchsticks
- 1 teaspoon salt
-1 tablespoon palm sugar (Indonesian: gula Jawa) you can skip it if you don't have.
-3 tablespoon sweet soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap manis), either from Bango or ABC
- oil, for frying
- 50 gram onion
- 3 cloves garlic

-Heat enough oil in a frying pan for deep frying. Deep fry tempeh until golden brown, drain on wire rack/paper towel.
- Cut the onion and garlic into cubes.
-Remove almost all the oil from the frying pan, and leave about 2 tablespoons of oil. Pour the garlic and onion until fragrant, about 3 minutes.
- Return the fried tempeh to the pan, season with salt, palm sugar, and sweet soy sauce.
-Stir until the tempeh pieces are fully coated with the sweet soy sauce. Turn off heat and serve immediately.

Good luck! ????

Greeting from Bali, Indonesia

Kommentar von Maria |

Es ist echt so wichtig zu hören, dass Menschen, die viele zehtausende Kilometer entfernt von mir wohnen, mit ähnlichen Problemen und Schwierigkeiten umgehen müssen und häufig sogar ganz ähnliche Lösungen oder Strategien zur Bewältigung finden! (It is really so important to hear that people who live tens of thousands of kilometres away from me have to deal with similar problems and difficulties and often even find very similar solutions or strategies to cope with them!) Thanks to Ayu for her personal perspective and insight


Kommentar von Johanna Treidl |

Hey Ayu, thank you for sharing your experience. I think it is really hard for kids to understand the difference between leisure laptop activities and work - it's the same with my little daughter.
Would you like to share an easy Balian recipe with me and others?

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