Flavia from Uganda about refugees' and migrants' situation

6. How does corona affect the situation of refugees or migrants in your country?

Not only in the USA the presidential elections are the number one topic of the day, but in Uganda, too, elections will be held next spring. At the moment, the situation in the country is very serious with riots, protests and fights between supporters of current president Museveni, members of the opposition and the police. It escalated further today with the arrest of the opposition candidate Bobi Wine and the killing of at least 3 people.

You can get more information here.

Furthermore due to the pandemic and the resulting economic problems, money is lacking everywhere, including state aid for refugees and the UNHCR. Thus Uganda has problems to meet the existential needs of 1.4 million refugees, in addition to those of its own population. In this video Flavia speaks about what this means in detail and the consequences she is seeing.

Please find out more about Flavia and the situation in Uganda here.

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