A speech for an urban escape

How are you doing in the current situation?

Spare parts for bicycles and e-bikes are in short supply, books are not available and there is also a big question mark behind board games until Christmas - not to mention parts for the production of smartphones and dishwashers. Some even speak of shortages. Whether shortages or supply bottlenecks: we are still feeling the effects of the pandemic. But wait! What does shortage actually mean and for whom? Mauro from Ecuador alternatively draws a picture of wealth in the current situation...

We would like to warmly thank Mauro, Claudia and .lkj) (Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung Sachsen-Anhalt e. V.) for the cooperation! Please find out more about .lkj) and it's activities in Saxony-Anhalt here (website only in German).

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