Paola from Colombia about information channels

2. How did you first hear about corona and how do you follow what's going on?

At the beginning of this year, the first news channels in Colombia began reporting the rapid spread of a new disease in China called Covid-19. The very first measures taken by the Chinese government already had an economic impact that we also felt in South America. A great deal of uncertainty spread in the textile and fashion sector. Day after day, week after week, the media followed the development of the pandemic, not only in Asia, but also in Europe and the USA. In mid-March the first cases were confirmed in Colombia too. Since then, Corona and the current state concerning health has been the No. 1 topic in all newspapers, reports and news programs in the country. My family and I are of course following the events with great interest. In my opinion, this is an unprecedented situation and one that is sure to go down in the history books. We are infinitely grateful for the people who are there for all of us every day - whether in the hospitals or in the markets - and we are always happy to receive good news, e.g. abouth the development of vaccines, protective measures or through international solidarity. Any information that strengthens our hope is more than welcome, because we are only at the beginning of the crisis in Colombia. On April 19, more than 3,500 confirmed cases of people infected with the new coronavirus were registered here.

Translated from Spanish

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