Code of Conduct stands for a constructive and trustful communication, which serves the mutual understanding, encourages perspective change and should be a communication between equals. Therefore, we want to treat our users and authors with courtesy and respect and expect them to treat each other in the same way. does not stand for harassing, degrading or threatening communication. Harassing, degrading or threatening communication for us means any form of degrading and offensive language - including visual language. This includes, in particular, insulting, inappropriate or unwelcome verbal expressions in connection with origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or age.

We expect all‘s users and authors to respect this code of conduct. In case of harassing, degrading or threatening communication the organizers will take all necessary actions to prevent it. These actions range from a single warning right through to deletion of the corresponding articles or comments.

Users or authors who are threatened or harassed, or users / authors who observe this behaviour or have other concerns, are asked to contact the organisers immediately by e-mail at F.Weiland |at|